Monday, April 22, 2013

Ethnography Reading


Sitting in the back row surrounded  by books everywhere I look i cant help to notice this is the perfect environmental for a public reading. It sets the mood to complete relaxation of understanding knowledge. As I looked around I spy the food table. The hostesses provided crackers, ham,
sour cream, and bread. Too bad I had Chipotle before the event. As, I walk back to my seat a little table is set up displaying books from the presenter.The cover art seemed intriguing, but we all know not to judge a book by it's cover.  As the host started to present the author , they decided to open up with Mad Libs. After some laugh it was time for Professor Eloise Klein Healy to start the show. She seems laid back and funny. While she read her poems she made eyed contacted as much as she could. Some of her favorite poems included "Dark," and a line that stood out to me was "it's own idea" because for me poems embark a journey of there own, never same twice. The reading was great and very funny, I truly enjoyed it.  

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